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013. Get Infused! 5 Fruity Water Detox Recipes

Is water the ultimate detox and weight loss secret? Regardless of your diet and/or exercise routine, the importance of adequate water intake is always stressed. We’ve seen a number of weight loss fads and get fit quick schemes come and go. Whether

you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to look and feel healthier, one of the best ways to rid your body of harmful toxins is to drink water. Just 6 to 8 glasses every day will help to keep you hydrated and keep your vital organs in their best possible health. But water detox regimens, also known as infused water, have not only resurfaced in a huge way, but have proven to be a tried and true safe and healthy way to cleanse your body of toxins, burn extra fat, slim your belly, improve your mood, as well as reduce muscle fatigue while you’re working out. When you are flushing toxins out of your body there is no better way than drinking plenty of water. But drinking plain old water can get boring very quickly. So why not try flavoring up your water by adding your favorite fruit and veggie combinations, which not only tastes great but adds little to no additional calories (If you use Weight Watchers it is a whopping 0 additional points, you can have all the fruit, vegetables, and water you would like!).

Studies have shown that drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism, and drinking fruit infused water for weight loss can be an easy way to increase your water intake. By adding a few simple ingredients, you can make an infused detox water recipe that tastes great. If you have been thinking about adding infused detox water to your healthy routine, I have the recipes for you. Below I have compiled 5 of my favorite infused detox water recipes that are fairly inexpensive and quite easy to make, but keep in mind you can create your own combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs according to your liking or for specific remedy to aid with your healthy lifestyle needs.

Mean Green

This green drink is delicious with a light, fruity aftertaste.


2 kiwis

½ lime

¼ cucumber

2 mint leaves

Detox Benefits: Mean Green helps prevent certain types of cancer, flushes out toxins from the colon, aids in digestion and prevents water retention. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties which helps