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056. 3 Career Myths Millennials Can Stop Stressing About

It’s the time of year when many high school and college graduates have walked across that stage to receive their much earned diploma. Most high school graduates will sway between getting a job and going to college; while college graduates prepare for the excitement and uncertainty of joining the workforce. Most millennials are faced with an economy plagued by high unemployment rates, mounting student loan debt and rising competition for jobs.

There is so much noise out there about what millennials should or should not do to jump start their careers. Frankly, much of this information is outdated or pure myths. Here are 3 career myths millennials can stop stressing about because these myths are out right extraneous or false.

You have to go to college to get a good job.

Most millennials were raised under hovering helicopter parents who always said, “Go to college so you can get a good education and a good job.” Therefore, many of us believe college leads to better paying jobs or college is the only way to land your dream job. This is a total fabrication. The truth is having a college degree does not guarantee you success nor does the lack of a college degree inevitably mean you will settle for a lower paying job. Yes, college can enhance your skills and knowledge and provide access to opportunities for the career you choose, but there is an abundance of great, well-paying jobs out there that do not require a college degree. Some great jobs to consider are real estate agents, sanitation operators, insurance adjusters, and telecom technicians. Consider the fact there are oodles of self-made millionaires such as Steve Jobs and Rachael Ray who never completed college, plus a handful of millionaires who don’t even have a high school diploma.

Let’s be honest, college isn’t for everyone. Do your homework and find out the career path that best suits you. Research your ideal career and determine what works best for you. For some, depending on your job industry, it may be more worthwhile to jump right into the workforce to start gaining experience and exposure. For others, it could very well be that college is the perfect fit for you, in which it makes more sense to pursue a collegiate advantage first.

A career coach can tell me what occupation to pick.

While there is a plethora of career aptitude tests available for job placement suggestions, a career coach or counselor cannot tell you what occupation to choose. A career coach can provide you with resources, assessments and guidance in choosing a career and can help facilitate your decision. A good coach can help you polish your resume, prepare for interviews, enhance your negotiating or networking skills, but they cannot tell you what you’re supposed to do with your life. Career coaches serve as a facilitator to help you navigate the economy and move ahead in your career through career planning and strategizing so your efforts are in the right direction. With career planning, it’s important to know who you are and what your strengths and interests are before embarking on a job hunt that might not be a perfect match for you. This is where career coaches come in, coaches help you discover your ideal job and help you get where you want to be based on where you are right now. However, ultimately the career path you choose is up to you.

You should get a lesser job and work your way up.

Looking for a job is not easily, especially when you have mounting bills and other pressures from society. Often in a job hunt you may be tempted to take a lesser salaried position at a company you know you want to work for with the perception that if you perform well in that position you will be able to work your way up in the company in no time. The idea you should take a lower level or lower paying position within a company just to get your foot in the door is absolutely ludicrous. This is actually career suicide, yet, so many millennials fall victim to this act.

In most cases, you take a lesser position, you know you were over qualified for from the beginning and become a total rock star. The problem is, once you feel as though you have paid your dues and it’s time to climb the corporate ladder, those with the authority assume, “if it’s not broke, why fix it.” You have done a better job than your previous 6 predecessors and now your career is stifled because you are the best receptionist on the 8th floor. Before you make the decision to accept a lesser job, it’s crucial to think about the opportunity and ask, “Is this good for my career progression?” There are plenty of jobs that might provide the illusion of career advancement that might actually suffocate your career.

Remember, a college degree does not equate a better paying job or guarantee success, career coaches are for guidance, not choosing a job for you and taking a job to get your foot in the door is not always a good move. Now that you know not to buy into these obsolete career myths, there is no excuse for you not to chase that dream job.

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