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Ebony FMC: How to Negotiate Your Salary... Even When It's NOT Negotiable

Happy Monday Lovebugs!

39% of Americans admit to feeling uncomfortable negotiating their salary. 57% of men negotiate salaries for their first offer compared to only 7% of women. But let's face it, negotiating your salary is always a good idea. Yes, even if you've been told it's nonnegotiable or entry-level pay.

Those who are not negotiating their salary ALWAYS lose. Consider this, if you never negotiate you're leaving coins on the table, an estimated $500,000 over your lifetime, that's an average of $16,000/yr. (Nothing to sneeze at right?!)

Need help negotiating your salary?

Hop over to and download your FREE salary negotiating worksheet to calculate your ideal salary and other negotiable perks.

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If you know someone who can benefit from this information share this video. Sharing is caring!

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